Thursday, 9 April 2015

The crude Croods !!

    The Croods is an exceptional 3D movie that will leave you introspecting and retrospecting your life, the challenges and will somewhere change your thought process too. Its a story about a family who is guarded by Grug through fear until the world starts ending and they had to rely on an innovative guy to survive. How do they do it? Do they survive? and What are we doing?

1) Don't be afraid of "New": Always staying in the cave doesn't ensure survival or growth. Similarly if an organization sticks to the way it has been functioning over years, it cannot compete or survive in the ever changing external environment. If an organization isn't a learning organization, it becomes stagnant. You have to take risks and try new things, without trying you shouldn't be skeptical about it.

2) Rules are meant to be broken: Worst ideas makes best memories. If you always stay by the rules, you can never discover what lies beyond it. To see the light, you have to get out of darkness. All great inventors and entrepreneurs are successful because they broke one or the other rules.

                           The Croods wallpaper

3) Get out of your comfort zone: If you always play on grassy lands, you won't survive the drought. The only way you can hamper your growth is by putting restrictions and limitations on yourself. Nobody can stop you from trying and doing new things except for yourself. So get out of your comfort zone and explore your abilities.


4) Keep innovating: If you keep on doing things as they are done, you can achieve the threshold but never the competitive edge. You become rustic. To survive and out do competition, it is important to keep innovating.

5) There are no dead ends: Whenever you are stuck up and you cannot find a way, don't consider it to be end of the journey. It simply means you need to change the way you think and you need to generate an unconventional "idea". Necessity is the mother of innovation and crisis is the father of idea generation.

6) Keep your mind open: Keep your mind open and let go of your ego, if you really want to learn. Open mind helps in listening to others, observing and grasping ideas and it provides a broader perspective to you. While if you believe "I am always right" you are doomed to fail. Success doesn't mean you were right, so you will right always. It doesn't matter at what level you are, you cannot grow further without open mind.

7) Living vs. Surviving: If you keep on doing the things that you have always done, then you are not living, you are just surviving. Living is getting out in the open and doing what you live. In the cave you don't live- you just don't die.


1 comment:

  1. Bhai serial series pati atle ave movie marathon par che :)
