Thursday, 9 April 2015

"Me" time !!

   We spend our whole life living and caring for someone else, but who will care about us? How can we embrace the idea of loving others when we aren't in love with ourselves? The most important and these days, most necessary thing in life is getting connected to oneself, falling in love with oneself, accepting your flaws and give a little time introspecting and retrospecting your life and decisions.

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. - M. Scott Peck

     It is necessary to have a little bit of 'Me' time on a regular basis, it can be daily, it can be weekly, it can be monthly or it can be random. But why the 'Me' time? Me time is the time that you spend with yourself, talking to yourself, questioning yourself and doing things for yourself. Sometimes it is necessary to take a time off from the regular world and spend time thinking about your life; how you are living and how you want to live. Some decisions are best taken without influence of anybody other than you. 'Me' time will help you embrace the changes faster and make you more compassionate about yourself. 

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    'Me' time doesn't mean going into seclusion and cutting off yourself completely with the world, but to be in the company of people with whom you can be really happy. Life is a very bumpy ride and it fills you up with all the demons like stress, frustration, grief, pain, anger etc. and sometimes people can't help you get rid of it, you yourself have to. Take some time off and go to a garden and wonder while sitting on the bench, could it have been better? Could it have ended in a better way? Do you need to bring any change? Most important things and decisions like acceptance and denial are resolved when you spend this 'me' time because there is no better person than yourself, to make you understand that it was not meant to happen. 

If you don't get lost, there's a chance you may never be found.

   After working monotonously for a whole month, you surely have lots of questions and issues to be sorted and it is best to take a quick getaway and spend some quality 'me' time. 'Me' time doesn't involve gazing at the stars, it means to do things that you love. Go for hiking, take a weekend getaway, watch movies you always wanted to, shop like crazy, be with friends, spend time with family, switch off your phone, paint, write, meditate, exercise, cooking anything.

  You have limited time and by no means you can increase it, but you can prioritize the things in your life and its high time we all find time for ourselves to relax, refocus and rejuvenate. "I am busy" is the most bullshit line. Infusing liveliness in life is better than living like a robot doing monotonous work almost brainlessly.  

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the one's you did" -Mark Twain

The most important person in your life is you and before you get lost living for others, its better you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get lost to be found.

1 comment:

  1. the faster ppl understand this necessity the better it wuld be for them
