Saturday, 23 May 2015

It’s all about choices...

Life is all about choices, some we are proud of and some haunt you forever, every day begins with a choice, a choice to be a warrior or a captive, a choice to win or to give up, a choice to take it or leave it and your day begins with making choices.

Why is it that we always have to make choices In life? Why can’t we just go on without making choices or by choosing all the options? This is one of the epic shit that burdens you with unwanted burden and regret for rest of your life. Sometimes the choices are easy to make and sometimes you feel it was better if I wasn't born.

What is the best solution for it? No one has been able to figure it out, though there are some “scholars” who have a say at this. They believe that when you have to make choice where there is win-win situation, choose with maximum benefits and when its lose-lose choose the one that will cause less damage. Now imagine if you have to choose between a mother and a wife what the fuck are you going to do about it? You will leave home simple. What is more difficult to handle than to make choice is the chaos that arises before making the decision. The chaos hammers you so much and takes you down to the darkest and loneliest ally or even mountain cliffs.

But it is also a proven fact that you are made out of the choices you make and whenever you make one, make sure you don’t have to regret it later because I personally know how difficult it is to lead a life of regrets and not everyone is lucky to get a second chance. And when you are not sure what to choose, don’t. Just don’t make a choice because you have to, sometimes there is a third option which exists.

We also get influenced by what people have to say to us or about us and we react impulsively but it’s not needed. They can say whatever they want but you have a choice to react and how to react. Impulsive decisions may make you feel like a brave warrior but when the impulse calms down, you feel all the whole stupid. And those who can influence us control us. Hear what others say, but choose your reaction to it wisely. Your mouth and brain may lead you in trouble but your ears won't.

Sometimes in life you also have to make choices that are going to affect someone else’s life in a way you don’t know, but sometimes choices have to be made. Someone’s life may depend on your choice to donate blood, and whatever you choose will affect the other person directly. Sometimes it easy to choose and sometimes you walk in blind ready to take the fire. You are going to make choices and decisions that sometimes aren't going to always work in your favor and they are going to upset some other people. Some choices we live not only once but a thousand times over, remembering them for the rest of our lives. Many of our choices have led to the predicaments we are presently complaining about, but its all art and part of life.

          Living is part of life, but choosing how is an art of life. Make choices, irrespective of good or bad, because it is only the result that tells us how our choice was. Be fearless; be open because what you choose today will shape your tomorrow.

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