Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Why to have a Bucket list?

Daily life is stressful and monotonous but to keep going we need something motivating, something inspiring, something exciting, something that drives you not to give up.

Most of the times we don't know why we are doing what we are doing and that is why we need a goal to bring clarity in life.

Also, many a times while we are working towards our goal, we compromise on our dreams. A bucket list is a perfect way to remind you of it.

You should exactly know what you're working for in life.

A bucket list is a simple to-do list with extraordinary wishes, desires and dreams. As good it is to have a bucket list, it is also important to see not to let it get on your nerves and depress you.

All said and done, why you should have a bucket list?

Remember your goals/dreams:

Sometimes we get so overworked in life that we lose track of our dreams, goals and aspirations. A bucket list will constantly keep on reminding you what you want to do in your life.

Management and efficiency:

Once you know what you're working for in life, you bring discipline in your life naturally. You work efficiently and try to manage your finances, time in the best possible way.

Excitement in life: 

When you cross a thing on your bucket list it's a wonderful feeling. The sense of accomplishment and achievement sends a chill down the spine and it's a must have experience.

Overcoming shortfalls:

When you are not able to cross a thing on your list, you introspect and try to find a solution to the problem. 

Happiness, memories, and purpose:

It's not always necessary to have big things on your list, sometimes little things bring more happiness.
Things like writing a poem once, buying an old radio, gifting something to parents etc. these things may sound small, but the happiness achieved in immeasurable. Though you might not achieve everything on the list, but you will live a memorable life with whatever you have achieved.

TIP: Don't let the pressure of bucket list get on your nerves. It is meant to drive you towards your goals and dreams and keep up the excitement, not to drive you towards depression.

Excerpts from my bucket list:

  • Learn photography
  • Write something- DONE
  • At least 2 trips a year- In Progress
  • No job, only business- DONE
  • Buy something for everyone from first income: DONE
  • Make a business plan: DONE
  • Help somebody: DONE
  • Try something new every year: Recurring
  • Learn a musical instrument
  • Expand car collection to 35
  • Collect 50 books
  • Stay away from FB: DONE 
  • Own a Mercedes
  • Travel lavishly
  • Have bodyguards
So have you made your bucket list yet?

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