Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Second chance?

“The first time people show you who they are, believe them.”

People change, but only their priorities, they cannot change who they are. A scorpion cannot resist from biting. So when a person show their true color to you, you have to understand the capabilities of the person and the darkness in their characters.

The journey from adolescence to adulthood has been one hell of a ride. I have lost many friends who i thought were forever. But life so far, has taught me second chances are costly.

The person who has betrayed you once, will not refrain from doing it again. It's in their character. Most of the people out there have their own agendas, own priorities and own motives. It's like tying an anchor to your feet and expecting others to sink. If you keep mean people in your life knowingly, they will be instrumental in your destruction. Blind trust can be fatal so trust but verify. Gone are the days of  innocence and friendships without motives. It's a rare occurrence.

I neither believe in forgive and forget nor in second chances. I am very naive and trusting and i welcome you with open arms and i will put my heart before you. 

But if you mess with me or show insincerity towards me, then we are simply done. I am a peaceful person and hate limelight, so there will be no drama, no action, just an end.

I can handle petty things but if you decide to cheat me, backstab me or take me for granted then I will walk out straightaway.

Some losses are heavy but no loss is irreparable or irreplaceable. Sometimes when i meet or come across the people i have lost, there is strange pinch in the heart but it's just for a while. The flashback always ruins the present.

But still there are no second chances with me and it is for my own good. I cannot blame anyone else if let such people stay in my life and ruin it. It's easy to move on. Empty spaces can be filled but bruised heart cannot be healed. 

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. 

I still sometimes think about giving them a second chance, but then there is another thought "Are they really worth it?" People are selfish, people seek convenience and people have priorities and i am fine with it, but i am not a toy to play with or to entertain you. Whatever regrets i had about losing people evaporated quickly when I realized how important i am for myself and how damaging they were for me. 

If you don't love and respect yourself, who will?

Though there will be some people whom you cannot resist to give chances again and again no matter how damaging they are. I regret those decisions. But for everyone else there are no second chances because i put myself above everything else.

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