I recently watched Pixar's Inside Out and I am inclined to say, it's a must watch for children as well as adults. The story is about a young girl named "Riley" and her journey after shifting to San Francisco with the 5 emotions in control of her- Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. The movie beautifully depicts the importance of each emotion and the working of our brain.
Lessons from the movie:
#Identify Your Islands: Islands here refers to the area of interest or the things around which your life revolves. It is important to identify what you live for like Riley in the movie had Hockey, Friends, Family, Fun and Honesty. These islands make up your personality.
#Fear is not so bad after all: We always undermine the importance of fear in your life but many a times fear is the reason we are safe. We all consider joy and sadness to be important, but the fact is fear also is important until you let it takeover the dashboard of your brain.
Also, fear helps you wake up. In order to catch the train of thoughts, Joy and Sadness had to bring Riley's worst fear, an oversized clown, in order to wake her up. The lesson here is that to wake up the best in you, you must wake up the worst in you.
#Anger Management: Anger does no good. In the movie when anger takes over the dashboard, it literally stops working. Similarly, when we are angry our brain stops working and we cannot be logical and rational in our response.
But if we channelize our anger in a proper direction, it can bring a positive effect in our lives. In the movie, when Joy & Sadness are not able to enter the headquarters due to the glass, anger bursts out in flames and ultimately helps form a hole in the glass for Joy and Sadness to get in.
#Joy & Sadness are equally important: We all want joy to be in charge of our brain, but sometimes sadness is equally important to feel other emotions. Sometimes the sadness in our happy memories keeps us from doing something wrong, sadness helps us release our anger and sadness helps us understand other's feelings. In the movie Joy is amazed to see how sadness was able to calm down Bing-Bong, Riley's imaginary friend, Joy understood that along with her, sadness was also an important part of Riley. The more you are comfortable with your sadness, the more easily you will be able to cope up with it.
#The Role of Memory: Memories are important and the very base of our development. The set of core memories defines who we are and what we become. The movie effectively shows the working of memories, the importance of core memories and our perception about them.
#Imagination is important to growing up: Bing-Bong, Riley's imaginary friend who is the incharge of Riley's imagination and creativity. Imagination helps us form a perception about things.
#Express: We often try to suppress our emotions and try to fight it out within us, but sometimes it is important to let out our feelings and emotions. It is important to let out anger for someone to calm us down, it is important to express sadness to receive comfort and happiness again.
#Family will always be there: No matter what you go through, the only part of your life which will stay besides you unmoved will be your family. Your family is the only place where you can carelessly let out your emotions without being judged and find comfort, warmth, care and love in return.
#Adapting changes: Change is the only thing that is constant in our life and not necessarily all changes are easy to adopt. Sometimes during the changes, some of our emotions might get lost and all we are left with is anger, fear and disgust. At such times, it is important to express and let others help you.
#All emotions are in charge: We cannot survive on any one emotions. All emotions are equally important and have their unique importance. Joy makes us happy, Sadness helps us explore other emotions, Fear keeps us safe, Anger has two-sided effects and Disgust forms your choices. None of the emotion needs to be guarded. We need to have all emotions to have an enriched life experience.
If you haven't watched the movie yet, watch it right away. There cannot be a simpler way to understand the importance of emotions and functioning of the brain.