Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Master Po

Most of the people might just ignore an animated movie thinking that they are made for the kids but those sane enough to watch this movie have an opportunity to take away more than just entertainment.

To me, animated movies make more sense than any other movie. Don't look at these movies as just movies for kids, change your perspective and you stand to gain a lot.

Recently, I watched Kung-fu Panda 3 and what the Kung-fu Panda series teaches us is more profound than we can think:

#Never Give up on your dreams: If Po had given up on his dreams, he would have never become the dragon warrior

#There are no accidents: You don't become great by accident. It's your hard-work, dedication, and belief that will sail you through.

#Don't let others tell you what you can or cannot be: Had Po taken the criticism of the Furious 5 seriously, he would have never made the journey to greatness.

#There is no secret ingredient: There is nothing magical in this world that makes you special, you become special only by believing in yourself.

#Turn your weakness into your strength: We all know how Po learnt his Kung-fu!! 

#There is just news, good or bad is our thinking/Perspective

#Inner peace: Once you make peace with your past, there is nothing that can stop you from gaining inner peace.

#Team Work: Sometimes, you cannot take down the villain alone, you need a team.

#You are what you choose to be: “Your story may not have such a happy beginning. But that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of the story, who you CHOOSE to be” -Soothsayer

#"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now": Keep pushing yourself, keep exploring your abilities and form new limits. You are more than you think.

#Family will always be there:#Family will always be there: When Kai attacks the village, the whole Panda family comes together to beat him and ultimately masters chi. Others might leave you but family will always be by your side.

#Never let the child in you die: It makes facing difficulties easier.

#Give or Take: To receive, always give.

#Don't hold your emotions back: Let it flow...

When life makes you fat, train yourself to be like Po!!

What are your learnings?

Saturday, 2 April 2016

The Real Independence

What is Emotional Independence?

Emotional independence is that awesome state of mind where you no longer rely on others for affection, validation, happiness and you finally accept yourself and becoming emotionally self-reliant.

Ways to gain Emotional Independence:

#Embracing who you are: No matter how much we deny, most of us have become pretentious today. We try to become someone else in order to be accepted, to be approved. There is no need to rely on other's opinions to lead your life. Once you finally accept who you are and what you are, you will unlock amazing potential and opinions of the people won't matter any more. It's time to free yourself from this restraint. In this world, where everybody is trying to be something, it's a great achievement to be yourself.

#Do not dwell in past: Our lives, our present is shaped by the events that took place in our past. As a matter of fact, our personality is also influenced by the incidents of past. A rough childhood, a bitter friendship, a failed relationship etc. shouldn't be framed on the walls of your memories, because that same wall is a gateway to a better future. Toss out such negativity and just focus on how can you make your future better. Don't let your past drive your present. Don't do something because of an incident that happened in the past or a thing that was said to you by someone in the past. Past can really be a bitch and all it does is fill you up with regrets like "Wish I hadn't done this", "Wish I hadn't said that", "Wish I was better", "Wish I had that". Regret is the last thing you want to live with!

#Chuck It & Move On: When we hold grudges, plan revenge or do something because someone said something nasty to us, we are letting them control us. Once you get into this awesome frame of mind where is says,"I don't care", things really get easy and it becomes easier to forgive, forget and move on. It is really pointless to hold onto things and drag them along with us in our mind. When you become emotionally resilient and independent, the shit coming out of people's mouth won't affect you.

#The Dont's: We have this nasty habit of getting too attached to people and form a habit of them. We get so attached to people that their smallest actions have biggest impact on our life. We drown so deep that we start seeing the world from their eyes and start living according to their thinking. Our smile becomes directly related to that the mood and action of that person and we sulk in sorrow when things go wayward. Having emotions is good but losing oneself and compromising one's own existence is just too much. Don't expect too much from people, don't rely too much on them, that way they don't stand a chance to disappoint you.

#The Do's: Test yourself and ask these questions to know whether you are emotionally dependent?
  • Are you looking for a romantic partner to make you happy?
  • If you have a partner, do you look to this person for love, for support, for reassurance, for validation?
  • Are you upset if your partner doesn’t react in a certain way, doesn’t meet a need?
  • When you’re alone, do you feel the need to fill the loneliness void with distraction? Are you always on your phone when you’re alone?
  • Do you complain a lot about other people? Get mad because of things they do?
  • Is your relationship the center of your universe? What about your relationship with friends or your family?
  • Do you get bothered if your partner does something that doesn’t include you, or cuts out something that you’ve been doing together?
  • Do you get jealous?
Question Source: Zen Habits

These questions will give you a clearer picture of your emotional independence or rather dependence.
What you also need to do is take up responsibility for your emotions. Whatever you feel is your own choice and is due to your own choice. Nobody has asked you to be sad or happy. Realize that you are the one responsible for everything happpening to you, the way you react, the way you look at things and the way you behave. Stop blaming others for your condition, its your choice.

Make yourself the centre of your own world and you will know that your pursuit of happiness ends within. You no longer need to source or base your emotions on others, that is how emotional independence touches you. That feeling of freedom and excitement when you are sky diving, your arms open, your skin flowing and that adrenaline rush or more like being kissed by the warmth of sun after submerging your feet in cold water, this is what emotional independence feels like.
Love yourself, because the world is accustomed to hear "Whatever"!

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” 
~ Michel de Montaigne