Friday, 12 February 2016

Thank God for Breakup!!

Breakups are never easy nor is getting over it especially when our lives are too much influenced by dramas shown in movies and television. We see what we want to see and after breakup, we just want to feel and show the pain instead of taking the positives from it.

Positives? What can be positive about breakup? 


#Regaining focus: When you are in a relationship, almost all decisions of your life has the influence of your partner. Life goes on to become a partnership firm from sole proprietorship and all your business doesn't remain just your business. But after the breakup, you have all the time and opportunity to focus on the best person in your life- You. Make yourself better and kickass.

#Detoxification: Not all relationships are healthy, many relationships are unhealthy, toxic and unpleasant. Many times you stay stuck in a relationship because of fear and you cannot gather the courage to call it quit. This fear, this relationship can take away more things from you than you can probably imagine. All you need to do is cross that line and once you have done that you can fight the fear head on and you will realize that you have a lot of courage to face difficulties in life.

#Growth: With time, age and experience come wisdom and growth. From being in relationship to breakup, you can learn a great deal about yourself, about what you want in life and most importantly what you don't want in life. The experiences that you have had teaches you a great deal and apart from being temporarily heartbroken, you return wise forever.

#Sunshine: When you are writing the story of your life, don't let someone else hold the pen. Once you are out of the relationship, you get in charge of your life again. There is nobody that can hamper your mood, that can hurt you and ruin your day. Your day begins and ends as per your wish.

#Reconnection: The biggest con of relationship is that we often lose touch with our friends and family and our whole world revolves around just one person. After a breakup, you not only realize how cool and understanding your friends are but also how loving your family is. You can now evaluate people and filter your life. Hard times reveal true friends and worth of family.

#Happy Realization: Breakups are not easy but they teach you quite a few things. You now realize that you deserve something much better and how you want to be treated, You realize it's not just about love and you also realize how important you are for yourself.

#Discovery: Breakups can do amazing things. It can make you do things you have never ever tried or even thought of trying. A breakup can bring out the creativity and art in you and it can even turn you into a philosopher or a motivator. Until we are drowning, we don't learn how to swim.

Breaking up is like getting stitches without painkillers – each stitch incredibly excruciating, yet vital to closing up the wound.
-All Groan Up

Sometimes it’s only when you have pieces cut from you that you can become whole.